Welcome to the Goodbye Graffiti website. Here you'll find information to help our community remove, report and prevent graffiti.
Report Graffiti
Anyone can report graffiti. You can report graffiti you find on public buildings and facilities like playgrounds, bus stops and benches, as well as private property. If your property is graffitied, please report it as soon as possible.
Cleaning up graffiti quickly is the best way to stop more graffiti. If the graffiti isn’t up long enough for many people to see it, the person who did it will be less likely to do it again. They want as many people as possible to see their graffiti. Removing graffiti quickly also stops places from looking like no one cares about them.
There are a range of things that you can do to help stop graffiti on your property. Changes to your lighting and garden and adding protective coatings to walls and fences are some of the things that can help stop graffiti.